Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Potato tag 我

中tag 了, 被Potato 抽签抽中了. 一定是看到我写到我现时可以在公司"吃蛇"和"摇脚",就快快来tag 我. 不要酱来吓我叻, Potato......哈!哈!哈!...(现在又吃蛇写啦!!!咔咔咔!!!)

好啦! 就让你认识我多一点....

初初要写中文部落格是因为要学打中文, 学拼音. 没想到切认识到一班师奶, 医生. 虽然没见过面, 至少都知道有一位你在另一个角落时不时来看我.

我因该算是半个ABC 人吧...跟人讲话时, 不能很快的把一段句子完整的用中文讲出来, 很多字会看不会发音, 大慨大慨的明白它的意思, 有时还须问我家皇帝这字怎样读, 什么意思......所以, 我家皇帝每次都酸我......说我华人不懂中文.....悲!!!! 所以想到写部落格来练拼音. 还不赖, 有进步.
哎! 你们看到我写的中文部落格就知道啦!...没有什么文采, 生字........

谢谢, Potato 想更加认识我, 没想到我们住的那么近. 也谢谢曾经到我的小舍逗留, 留言和 打招呼的你.



1.What's your ambition?

答案: 我想有更多自己的时间和陪孩子, 但又不想做全职的家厅主妇. (很矛盾)

2.Who is more important to you?Friends or Boy/Girlfriend?

答案: 家人

3. What kind of pictures do you like to take ?

案: 暂时是孩子的,因为我不喜欢拍照.

4.Do you think you have enough confidence?

答案: 信心满满. (可能不是件好事)

5.How many babies you want?

答案: 如有能力不介意多生, 但是目前没有, 所以暂时2位。

6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

答案: 雨过天晴就会有彩虹, 我相信, Rainbow is a promise of God. 它是不是彩虹, 在于我们如何对待每一件事. 凡是拿得起, 放得下, 我想彩虹很容易被看到. 看不到吗? 拿个小镜子, 喷一些水在小镜子上, 然后放在太阳小照一照, 彩虹就会出来啰....哈哈哈!

7.What is your goal for this year?

答案: Don't set any goals for this year, because economy is very bad.

8.Do you believe in eternity love?

答案: 永恒的爱我不是很相信.

9. Are you slacking now?

答案: 我很想, 但不可能.

10.What feeling do you love the most?

答案: 我能有自己的时间做我自己的事时候。

11.What do you usually have for your late night snack?

答案: 很少吃。

12.If there's anything you want to tell the ppl you hate?

答案: "wan gat" ; "吃屎"

13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

答案: 我很珍惜,但是曾经被伤害,所以现在有保留.

14.What does 'flying' means to you?

答案: 飞----压力释放

15.What do you crave for the most currently?

案: 希望我家皇帝事业顺利

16.Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words :

答案: 快乐、幸福、玩得之人。

17.What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?

答案: 写blog, 运动, 给人服侍

18.What will you become in another 10 years to come?

答案: 旅行为目标。

19.Which place used to be your favourite destination but now you hate the most?

答案: 没有

20.How many years have you been blogging?

答案: 今年四月吧...


potato said...



平凡的爱丽丝 said...
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平凡的爱丽丝 said...

哈哈! 慢慢拨吧...